The early signs of pregnancy can be detected via an ultrasound scan from as early as 6 weeks from the Last Mestrual Period (“LMP”).
Early pregnancy is a very exciting and emotional time: however you are feeling, our staff is here to welcome you and look after you in a comfortable and friendly environment.
A qualified sonographer will perform the scan to confirm the pregnancy, date it, assess its location and its progress, look for your baby’s heartbeat and confirm if you are expecting one or more babies.
What’s Included?
- Approx 15 minutes appointment with a qualified sonographer
- Wellbeing scan report
- 2 black & white prints
Who may benefit from this scan?
- Parents looking for early dating and pregnancy confirmation and excited to follow their new developing life
- IVF pregnancy
- Parents who may have suffered previous miscarriages, for closer monitoring
- If experiencing spotting, bleeding or pain
The Procedure
- For better visibility for this scan it is recommended to have a full bladder. Please drink 2 full glasses of water 30-40 mins before your appointment
- Please arrive 10 minutes before your appointment time. You will be welcomed at our clinic and asked to complete an informed consent form before each scan.
- When ready, the sonographer will welcome you in the consultation room, confirm your details, the reason for your scan and discuss any particular concerns you may have.
- The sonographer will initially perform a transabdominal scan applying a gentle pressure on your belly with a probe.
If required, the sonographer will ask for your consent to proceed to an internal scan: this is more likely required to assess pregnancies below 8 weeks. - The sonographer will explain to you what you are seeing. He/she may be quiet for a few moments while concentrating on measurements.
- At the end of the appointment, you will be invited back to the reception room where you can collect your report and prints.
Available for purchase on the day of your appointment:
- SneekPeek for early sex determination
- Video clip (no audio), £15
- Scan images digital download, £10
- Extra prints, £2 each