Reproductive Health

Reproductive health spans vital care, from family planning to prenatal support, promoting safe, informed decisions for holistic well-being.

Ultrasound Scans

Blood and Swab Tests

Blood tests should not be relied upon as a replacement for visiting a doctor, especially when experiencing any symptoms. Making diagnoses or commencing treatments without consulting a doctor or a qualified professional is not advisable.

Fertility Hormones Profile, for Her

This venous blood test measures hormones related to fertility, menopause, and period issues, helping to identify imbalances that could affect fertility. Results should be reviewed with your doctor.

Erectile Dysfunction Profile

A venous blood test assesses male hormones, cholesterol, diabetes, prostate, thyroid health, and key sex hormones like testosterone.

Get in Touch

To schedule a screening or to find out more about our services please get in touch via phone call or email message.

Opening Hours








9am – 1pm

3 – 8pm


3 – 8pm

9am — 1pm

9am – 5pm

10am – 4pm